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  10 AM - 6 PM
  Mon - Sat

Scubapro SSI

We're also on Facebook at Neptune Dive Ski

Bahamas, November 2004

Photo Album

Here are some photos of our trip on the Gulf Stream Eagle

Return to Neptune's Photo Album

The Neptune crew on the bottom.

Fantastic coral tunnels.

Stunning undersea artwork.

Fish everywhere to be seen.
A formal portrait.
A denizen of the deep.

Another formal portrait.

Shark dive at Sherwood Forest.

This trip was ALL ABOUT sharks!

Smile, please.(Nobody got bit.)

Mark R., the Sharkmeister.That wetsuit has seen a better day.

Danny P., shark bait.

Ran out of chum. Danny will do. Notice how he's out in the open.

Greetings from the deep. We survived the shark dive.

Critters were everywhere.

Say, "cheese"!

The beauty of the deep.

Our trip leaders.